Thought is only a piece. It’s only a piece of the vast wholeness that is me, of the vast wholeness that is you. It’s only a piece of the vast wholeness where we’re interconnected together, where we are participants in the full Earth, in the entire cosmos, in our societies, in our countries. We are …
Author Archives: Zareen
Not Fixed On an Idea
So, we’re sitting around the fire here and retelling the human story from a perspective of nonduality. First of all, nonduality would mean we’re never fixed on an idea because we know that ideas only come from the mind. There’s a true inner being in all of us that needs no idea to know, and …
Nonduality Explained: Thinking is Good
Nonduality explained: thinking is good. I am trying to explain nonduality even though nonduality cannot be explained; it can only be experienced. But thinking is good. It has to be… thinking exists, right? God don’t create no junk. Because of the fact that we’re able to do it, and because of the fact that we …
Nonduality Explained: It’s Not What You Think
Nonduality explained: nothing is what you think because everything you think is limited. By thinking, I’m talking about when you’re putting words to it. For you and me, that’s English. So when you have these thoughts, this language going through your head, there is no way that it can be absolutely complete in its definition. …
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Nonduality Jesus & Buddha
Nonduality and Jesus and Buddha—let’s really go out on a limb here and apply some non-dualistic thinking to our history. Let’s start with Buddha: Who was he, what did he discover, and what did it mean? If we place Buddha within the long timeline of human history, which we’re starting to understand as extending over …
Deeper Knowing
Actual knowing is way bigger than just the thoughts in your head, than just the verbal thoughts in your head. Our bodies can remember things; our silence can remember things. The words that go through our head, the thing we call thoughts, is really the smallest part of our consciousness. So, nonduality is simply about allowing yourself to expand your awareness way, way, way beyond the thoughts that are in your head.
Nonduality means that if you limit your knowing to verbal thoughts, then everything you know is wrong. This is because verbal thoughts are just a definition of something. Only a fragment of the real thing. We all have a deeper knowing that we can access any time though silence.
Retelling the Human Story: Watching TV
We’re retelling the story of humanity here in this series of videos, sitting around the fire and telling stories. One of the things that I love to do is to watch TV and movies because this is our main storytelling medium today. I’ve noticed over the years that it seems to go through themes, and …
Nonduality Explained: Clearly
Nonduality explained clearly: Basically, nonduality means that there’s you and there’s everything else. That’s the two things: you and everything else, right? Two things. But now we’re saying, “not two.” In one way, it means all those other things are not you. Like, particularly, when talking about your internal experience. There’s you and there’s your …