If we know that nothing can be separate from unity, and thoughts definitely happen, then thoughts are not separate from unity. You might believe that thoughts are bad. Thoughts aren’t me, thoughts are illusion, thoughts are this, and thoughts are that. But we know from experience that thoughts definitely happen. Right? Something is happening there. …
Author Archives: Zareen
Lilacs only grow from the cold
Lilacs can only grow where it gets cold in the winter. They’re a good lesson that out of struggle can come beauty. Next — Nothing exists separate from unity
Nothing exists separate from unity
Nothing exists separate from Unity. The obviousness of that statement is mind-blowing… if you stop and look at it just for a second. Unity means everything all together. So everything is there together. Nothing can be separate from that because everything is already in it. Nothing exists separate from Unity. Another way I’ve heard that …
Evolution of Consciousness is Real
The evolution of human consciousness has real components to it. We’re not trying to evolve some kind of gaseous Consciousness that’s floating around in the universe. There are real components to it that we can see and measure. The Scientific thought process is a good example of the evolution of knowledge. We never have an …
Rupert Spira
The Essence of Non-Duality https://rupertspira.com/
Susanne Marie
Over time, I was led to a few remarkable teachers and teachings, as well as a variety of difficult life lessons which eventually cast me onto an empty shore where I could not sustain beliefs – even in what spirituality could give me. For a long time, accrued conditioning, both my own as well as …
Newsletter: Sat, 05/27/23
Green Tara Mantra: You Exist This week we are diving into some mantras, and moving meditation. You don’t always have to sit still with your eyes closed!With mantras we can explore all sorts of experiences from silence to liberation from wild elephants. Like everything, mantras aren’t a magic bullet, but they are a way to …
Dance with us in Salmon, Idaho
Learn all about the camp here: https://mysticdancecaravan.com/event/salmon-wild-river-camp/