Non-duality simply says that you are not separate. The ocean of thoughts, that it feels like you’re constantly living in, is just waves running up on a beach. They do exist, but they are not you. They make you feel like you’re separate, and that’s why it’s good to examine them. Zen just simply says …
Author Archives: Zareen
Make a Decision
You can immediately change your life right now, right this very minute, by making the decision that you are on a spiritual search not for yourself but for everyone and everything else.
Listen to learn
If you’re listening to these native teachings and you agree with it all, or you think you already know this and are nodding your head, it’s likely that you’re missing the point. You’re learning something if you think (faceplant), “I didn’t think of that before. That’s obvious, but I didn’t see it. I didn’t know …
The Weekly Newsletter – April 29, 2023
Words and Prayer Published: Sat, 04/29/23 This week we are looking at a series of stories given to us from a Navajo elder that show a deep understanding of the non dual state. We’ll explore how words get stuck on our heads and how prayer balances us out. We’ll look at how temporary joy makes us …
Native Spirituality is not a Shortcut
So I was editing my last video on “Don’t steal native spirituality” and thought of an even more important reason not to do it. So I’m going to continue my rant — don’t steal native spirituality! It’s like… I know you you’re a modern person just exactly like me. And the biggest reason that you …
We Don’t Need to Steal Native Teachings
We don’t need to steal native spirituality for lots of reasons. Number one… really??!! Our ancestors (our parents and grandparents, who were spiritually bankrupt in many ways because they had had their native wisdom stolen from them generations ago) whizzed into all these countries: the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, all these places, and brought a …
You Are Not Your Hat
Non-duality, in its simplest form, is about discovering what you are not. You are only one thing, and illusions are billions… so if you can eliminate everything that you are not, the only thing left over is you. Let’s explore that a little bit. You are not your hat, because you can take off your …
Love: Emotion or Action?
We have another really good teaching from our Navajo Elder this week about love. He talks about the difference between what he hears from English society, how we view love, as compared to what he was taught in the Navajo traditional teachings. We see love as an emotion. “I’m feeling that I love you.” We …