What if People were Free?

What would happen if people were truly free of their conditionings?

We’ve been taught that freedom is basically licentiousness, just doing whatever the heck you want. As if freedom were total narcissism. If that’s the case, if everyone was free, it’d be a nightmare, right?

But if there is a human nature that’s good and honest and true and has a moral center, then everyone being free would actually become more trustworthy.

It’s my opinion that that is the case—that the actual human nature is to be free. We’ve been free for millions of years, since we are small in the forests. So, obviously, we’re all set up to run things that way.

And… what if nonduality was easier than you think, which is the definition of nonduality anyway? “It’s saying “Not Two” which means that you are not about your thinking; it’s about your human beingness.

What if, instead of going forward into enlightenment, we were simply removing a crust and turning into the natural human beings that all people are born to be? Then we wouldn’t be attaining anything. We would be coming into a place of unity, natural unity with each other, with the natural world, and with everything. We would come into this place of unity simply by dissolving our imagination that we’re separate.

Nonduality is Possible

Nonduality is possible. It’s really funny to look at the irony of that statement because we’re taught that it’s almost impossible to achieve this non-dual state, and yet we know absolutely that it’s possible. If it wasn’t possible, there wouldn’t be a single person who’d ever done this. We’re also taught, “There’s something really special …