A long time ago, back in the land of Zen, there was a monastery. This monastery had two wings. There were 1000 monks in the monastery. Half of them, 500, were on one wing and half of them, 500, were on the other wing. The master had this beautiful cat. The cat was so friendly. …
Author Archives: Zareen
Strength #nonduality
So many spiritual teachings these days are about happiness. But I think it’s better to teach about strength. Because just think… If you are strong? What does it matter?
The Crux of the Matter: Focus
In this week’s video, we are getting into the real crux of why I am doing all this. It’s about focus. But why would we need to focus? So many spiritual teachings these days are like, “Everything’s OK, everything’s fine. Don’t worry about anything.” I disagree. We should be worried. We should be very worried. …
The Straight Arrow Focus
This week’s Zen story is about focus. The human mind is so amazing because it can wander to so many things. Imagination can be vivid and real. It’s easy for our attention to be drawn from one thing to another. In fact, that’s one of the things that distinguishes a child: the mind and imagination …
Today’s Zen story is focus. What is that single point of reality that we come from? You find it when you are completely focused. Pro tip: Artists and musicians have that kind of focus! See the https://mapremzareen.com/the-three-sons/
The Three Sons
Once there was a king who had three sons. They were all really great. They had been trained by the finest teachers, and they had all grown into magnificent young men. The oldest was the bravest. He’d hunted for bears in the high mountains. He brought back hides for rugs. He could challenge any man …
Ordinary Women
Non-duality moment… what would it be like as a woman to value ordinariness? A relaxed ordinariness? It might be the solution to all your problems.
We all know that the sun doesn’t rise or set. What actually happens is that the sun is (relatively) stationary and the earth is spinning around. The Zen of Astronomy So there was this one modern mystic who gave us a great Zen Story. He said, “What would it look like if the sun actually …