Understand Nonduality?

https://youtube.com/shorts/IH5f_LjugQg?feature=share Okay I’ll try to not be so obscure. Nonduality? You don’t need to understand it, or not understand it because it’s not a thing. It’s not a concept. It’s simply a statement saying that life is. Life is one.


https://youtube.com/shorts/wBXpZyxMevw So if we accept the idea that I don’t know. Non duality. My brain doesn’t know. Then we have to face all life from a place of open curiosity.

Nonduality Is trust

https://youtube.com/shorts/Zfoe7WyqQ-E When you really dive into nonduality you will see that it’s based on trust. It gives us a simple tool, “Not Two.” There is only one thing happening. Now. See where you can go with that. Flip through the snippets faster, and give me those big LIKES on: YouTube – TikTok

7. Trust in Human Nature is Fundamental for Awakening

https://youtu.be/QD60bnzYKKI Trust in our human nature is fundamental for awakening.  Now I know, I’m saying the exact opposite of what you’ve heard. This is so important, because what we hear all the time is that enlightenment is difficult, that it takes lifetimes and lifetimes and lifetimes. But think about it. What we’ve also heard is …