Bodhidharma’s Student

Bodhidharma became enlightened in India and he wanted to teach. He wanted to show people what he had found in this new way to live that would transform life, but he couldn’t find anyone who would listen to him.

Finally he goes to China thinking he might find someone there. He goes there. A long way. It’s not much better. Nobody is really interested in Enlightenment. They’re only interested in power stories or pretending that they already know.

He finally throws up his hands, goes into a cave and just sits there staring at the wall. He says, “I will not turn around until I find someone worthy to teach.”

He sat there for years turning away everyone who comes in. Refusing to turn away from the wall.

Finally a man comes in, sits down behind him and just sits there silently for hours. Bodhidharma does not turn around. Finally the man stands up. With his sharp knife and one quick sweep he slices off his hand and shouts, “Turn around and teach me or the next thing I’ll do is slice off my head!”

Bodhidharma knew he had found the right student.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!