Nonduality Explained: Clearly

Nonduality explained clearly: Basically, nonduality means that there’s you and there’s everything else. That’s the two things: you and everything else, right? Two things. But now we’re saying, “not two.” In one way, it means all those other things are not you. Like, particularly, when talking about your internal experience. There’s you and there’s your …

Nonduality Explained: Suffering

Nonduality explained: suffering. Many non-duality teachings focus on suffering because the experience of stepping beyond your false face, revealing who you actually are, can easily be interpreted as the end of suffering. Our minds cause us so much suffering that simply stepping beyond your addiction to thought is very liberating in that way. Liberation is …

Nonduality Explained: Pretending

Nonduality explained: pretending. That’s really a better way to describe what Nonduality teachers, for hundreds of years, have called the “false face” we walk around with. This false face means we’re just pretending to be something that we’re not. We’re taught that we’re supposed to be all these things that we’re not, and so, in …

Nonduality Explained: Obscure

Is it obscure? It certainly sounds like it when you hear people talking about it! Tip of the day: Here’s the number one most important thing to understand about nonduality, nonduality teachers, and nonduality teachings: There is the actual nonduality experience, And then there are all the explanations about it. The explanations are NOT the …