So many spiritual teachings these days are about happiness. But I think it’s better to teach about strength. Because just think… If you are strong? What does it matter?
Category Archives: Snippets
Today’s Zen story is focus. What is that single point of reality that we come from? You find it when you are completely focused. Pro tip: Artists and musicians have that kind of focus! See the
Ordinary Women
Non-duality moment… what would it be like as a woman to value ordinariness? A relaxed ordinariness? It might be the solution to all your problems.
Finding Reality
What would it be like if we stopped looking for miracles. That’s what this week’s Zen story is about. We might actually find reality. Reality is that place where nothing is broken.
Looking for Ordinariness
This week’s Zen stories are about ordinariness. And just think. You don’t have to strive for ordinariness. You don’t have to look for that. All you have to do is relax because you are already it.
Understand Nonduality? Okay I’ll try to not be so obscure. Nonduality? You don’t need to understand it, or not understand it because it’s not a thing. It’s not a concept. It’s simply a statement saying that life is. Life is one.
Don’t Understand Nonduality? Nonduality is really cool, because either you don’t understand it, or you think you do understand it. Both of those mean the same thing. Because life just is.
Curiosity So if we accept the idea that I don’t know. Non duality. My brain doesn’t know. Then we have to face all life from a place of open curiosity.