Don’t believe everything you think

Don’t believe everything that you think. Thoughts are unreliable. They can go through your head in a completely random way. As a matter of fact, some of the mantras and chant that I have been working with are a perfect example. Go back through them and notice how these little songs get stuck in your head.

I can implant them in you on purpose. I can sit here and sing a little song, and then when you walk away and it’s stuck in your head. Everything that’s in our heads has entered in that same questionable way.

Think about when you were a kid. Maybe you were always told you’re stupid. Right? “You’re stupid. You’re stupid.” over and over. So now what goes through your head… for the rest of your life! You’re stupid. You’re not good enough… you’re not good enough.

It’s almost just as bad if you were told from the day you were born that you’re nothing but beautiful. Then you’re going to be walking around, “I’m beautiful. I’m beautiful.” You’re gonna be like smashing and destroying people around you with this belief that you are better.

It’s all questionable. It’s all subject to change.

This is what is wonderful about the steady inquiry of non-duality. You learn that you are not your thoughts. You are not the fleeting things that are that are going on inside you. Those things are more like a like a river. Something that flows.

Your mind is a sponge. Things with emotion stick, things with just electric pulses tend to go on through and drift away. Things with melody also seem to stay!

Your thoughts are a flowing river.

It’s like these little mantras that I’ve been singing for you. It flies into your ears. It comes from the outside. It comes in and sticks. Then it is simply there, going and going and going like a loop.

When you can see that as a part of your existence, no more important than your clothes or hair. Then it won’t capture you and make you a slave.

So don’t believe everything you think and you will be heading towards the best life possible. The second you don’t get stuck on yourself, then you’re not stuck in life you’re free.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!