Elephants and Science

The elephant story shows why the scientific method is such a great way to examine life. It’s a powerful way to examine reality because the scientific method insures you never have the opinion of one person becoming “the truth.” Everything is always up for argument.

It is true that opinions of one scientist can become “the truth” for a little while. But eventually somebody will challenge it. In the end it’s never fixed.

Even more exciting is the fact that the scientific method is is a way to get a large number of brains working together. Over time, and over space. All around the world. This makes it possible to get the biggest picture possible.

One thing that’s really cool about scientists is that they are really competitive so they’re always trying to show each other up. Every idea is subject to challenge so only the best and most proven ideas make it through. That’s a great way to approach things because it means we are always questioning and always approaching life with curiosity.

It would be wonderful if we also did that for spirituality. We should always be arguing with each other about what’s true, about what’s helpful. Rather than arguing about whether or not we are pure enough.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!