Fertility Blessing

This is a story about Bau Sin Tao.

One day he was sitting in the marketplace, with his disciples, and friends, and family all around. And a woman comes up to him. She says, “Bau Sin. Years ago your master gave my mother a blessing and right after that she became pregnant with me and had me. I am now infertile and I am wanting a child so bad. Would you please give me a blessing so that I can have a child.”

Bin Tao looks at her and says, “Yes. Sit down with everyone else.” And he gave blessings to everyone.

So the woman went away. A couple of years. She still didn’t get pregnant. After a while she’d had enough and she came stomping back. She said, “You are a phoney! My mother came to your master and she got a blessing, and she was able to get pregnant. I came and got a blessing and you didn’t do anything for me! You’re fake!”

Bin Tao looked at her, laughed and said, “But that’s not how it works. Your mother didn’t come asking for something specific. She just came to get a blessing. Any my master gave blessings to everyone all the time. Anyone who came would get a blessing.

“The fact that she got pregnant after that, and had you, was just an accident. It was just a coincidence. And I know. I was there when that happened.”

She couldn’t believe it. She still argued. “But your master. He was greater than you. He gave a blessing and it did something. Your blessing didn’t do anything at all.”

But Bin Tau said “Your mother came not asking. Not demanding anything. You came demanding, so I thought ‘Hey. What the heck. I’ll give a blessing. It’s a fifty fifty chance. Maybe she’ll get pregnant… then yay! It’s me. I did a miracle. If she doesn’t get pregnant then hey. I know that nothing happened for her mother any way. So I can get out of it.'”

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!