Look Who’s Nothing

So. Mulla Nasrudine was a saintly and pious man. He went one day to the mosque, and went inside pray. He goes up to the front and he kneels down and he prays with great reverence, “Oh Holy One. I am nothing next to you. I am nothing, and yet I offer you this prayer.”

Then he hears a sound. So he jumps up and goes and hides behind the curtain.

In comes a magnificent Sheik. He has a huge hat and beautiful robes. He goes up, and he kneels down and says, “Oh Allah! I am nothing! I am nothing next to you. Thank you for accepting my prayer.” He hears a noise and he jumps up and hides behind the curtain.

In comes the lowliest beggar from off the street: dirty, skinny, uneducated. He comes up to the front and he kneels down. He starts praying, “I am nothing. The only thing I have to offer is this prayer.”

Back behind the curtain, Mulla looks at the Sheik and sneers, “Ha! Look who thinks he’s nothing!”

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!