Mulla’s Ticket

So Mulla Nasrudine was boarding the train, getting ready to go on a trip. He jumps on and meets the ticket taker who says. “Mulla. I need your ticket.”

 Mulla starts looking everywhere. He looks in his hands. He looks in his pant pockets. It’s not there. He throws down his bags, and rips open all of his luggage. He pulls everything out,going through bag after bag.

 It’s this giant disaster. The line is piling up behind him. Everybody’s getting very annoyed and Mulla keeps crying, “Where’s my ticket? Where’s my ticket?”

Finally the Ticketmaster, exasperated, says “Mulla! Why don’t you look in your left hand jacket pocket? That’s where almost everybody keeps their ticket. You haven’t looked there yet.”

 Mulla looks at him, shocked, and says, “But if I look there, and it’s not there, then all hope is lost.”

In this story Mulla is afraid to look in the most logical spot for his train ticket… because if it’s not there all hope is lost. This is showing us one of the ways we undo ourselves. We are afraid of looking for ourself in the most obvious spot. We look everywhere for spirituality except for where it resides.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!