Nonduality and the Self

Non-duality and the self. So, let’s get one thing just clear: you do exist. I can’t believe that this is even up for discussion. I don’t know what sort of non-duality teachings everyone has been studying, but oh my gosh, you exist!

That’s the point of the whole thing; you’re trying to find out who are you, what is your true authentic being. All the stuff you hear about the self, the false self, the big self, this self, that self, that is just simply talking about a projection that you have. It’s like teaching a child that imagination is good, but that there’s a difference between imagination and reality.

You can imagine things. You can know that you’re imagining it while it’s happening and that it’s you imagining it. When done with awareness a child’s imagination becomes magical and powerful. Adults too. But you actually do exist; there is an “I” or we wouldn’t have sentences that go “I did this, I did that.”

There is a “you.”

“How are you feeling today?” “I’m feeling good,” “I’m feeling miserable,” there’s an “I.”

You are only one thing however. There is not a separate self; the “I”

And you’re connected to everything. This thing that is me doesn’t have edges to it. I can’t find an actual spot where I end. I’m boundless. I’m not just inside my head.

The actual “I,” that is you, is a very expansive. It’s a dynamic point of consciousness.

I can see how it got mixed up in nonduality teachings. What non-duality is trying to teach is how to get rid of this false self that we have all become addicted to.

The best way I have to describe it is this false self is something that’s out in front of you. It’s a projection. Even as you’re watching this video, put your hand in front of you. Move it out and look at it. You can see your hand.

It’s easy to lose the consciousness of who is seeing, but it’s also easy also to remember your consciousness back inside of yourself. Who is it that’s looking at the hand? That’s you.

The exact same thing you can do with your hand, you can do with your ego. What is this false self? It’s even easier to do it with your emotions. You get angry, what is anger? Look at it. You can look at it just like you can look at your hand. Thoughts running around through your head, what are they? You can look at them just as you can look at your hand.

But… there is a you that is doing this looking. The second you really, really grasp that, that’s the moment of awakening. Now all of the sudden, you are a fully embodied, awake human being, able to completely integrate yourself into life.

As I’m always saying on my channel, this is what we need in order to create a sustainable future, a sustainable reality, a sustainable world that we can all thrive in. So this should be a powerful goal for everyone: bring yourself back, you do exist. Who are you?

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!