Nonduality is Interconnected

Nonduality is interconnected. When you step out of duality, you don’t end up floating around in some sort of nebulous field of nothingness, overwhelmed by goodness and happiness.

No, you become, well… who you are. And who you are is part of the vast, full, interconnected world we live in. It’s part of the interconnected universe for sure, but it’s not far away like that.

We’re on this planet Earth. We’re interconnected with everything here on Earth in such a vibrant way that you can see it and feel it and be it immediately. We’re interconnected with time and space. We’re interconnected with each other, with all the other human beings.

We are interconnected with all the animals and the birds and the bugs and the plants and life itself. So, stepping out of duality and stepping into nonduality is a place of full, complete, vibrant interconnection.

That the awakened state is interconnected goes without saying, doesn’t it? I mean, that’s what we’re looking for—completely blending in with the world and the entire universe.

Pro tip: There’s no reason to wait until you’re enlightened to feel interconnected; that should just go without saying as well.

We are interconnected; we know that logically and we can use our brains to move us in that direction. The more we start seeing ourselves that way, the more what we call the ego will soften, and dissolve, and be willing to stand aside so that your interconnected, fully awake self can be the you that is living your life.

That is Awakening.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!