Nonduality is Natural

Nonduality is natural. We aren’t trying to become some disembodied spiritual thing; we’re trying to become who we are, right? The question is, who are you? It’s not who is some floating around nebulous thing that you want to become. It’s like, who are you? You and me are bodies as well as minds. We are fully 100% here on this Earth, part of the vast nature, part of the long, long history of evolution on the planet. We’re also part of the fabulous future that can come forward. There is no separation between us and our brothers of the plants and our brothers and sisters of the animals in the sky and the air. We are completely 100% part of the natural world. When we eat, we’re eating food. When we’re drinking, we’re drinking some sort of water. When we’re breathing, we’re breathing air. We are 100% natural human beings, and awakening is also a very natural thing. It’s our natural state. That’s why when you wake up, it’s a permanent realization. It’s like, “Ah, I’m me.” How can you ever step away from that? In fact, you are there right now.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!