Nonduality is Undivided

Nonduality is undivided. When we stop dividing our experience into so many different things, then it’s obvious that each of us is just who we are. It’s an undivided state where nothing can convince me that I am not me.

When we’re living in the divided state, you can constantly be swayed into thinking that you’re different things. It’s just as if we put on a different outfit, and in this different outfit, now we become somebody else. We act it all the time, right?

Particularly women—if we dress ourselves up really pretty and we’re walking around, we actually think we’re a different person than if we’re just in a sweatshirt, jeans, and slippers. We may feel like we’re a different person, but you’re not. You’re the exact same person because you’re undivided to start out with.

Nonduality, the nondual state, is knowing that you are in this undivided state. You are just simply you. You’re this one thing operating your life and operating your life in a way that is completely interconnected with everything else because there are no boundaries where you stop and other things start.

So, the nondual state is this completely undivided state. Particularly in our minds. Usually we’re very divided mentally. It’s so easy to get confused, but the nondual state is not divided. You’re not swayed from thing to thing to thing constantly because you know who you are. It’s really that simple. Nonduality is undivided.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!