Nonduality Will Set You Free

Nonduality will set you free because if you use it as a tool for self-awareness, then you can stop worrying about many things.

Hopefully, you’ll stop worrying about “What is ego? What is the self? Stop with the constant definitions of everything.

Nonduality means you are not two, there’s only one of you. This can set you free even without full experience of Enlightenment because you are the one living your life. That means you are fully responsible for everything that happens. When we take this on as a truth then you’re free.

Life can be hard, you still have to make a living, you need to work on your relationships, you need to be part of your community, you need to be a full, vibrant, alive human being. Once you’re at the point where you’re living life fully without being sucked into it, then you’re free of it.

It doesn’t mean that you drift into nothingness because if have that as a goal your life is going to be in a huge mess. It takes a lot of effort to live consciously and aware. It must be done all the time, constantly taking care of ourselves, constantly taking care of the people around us, constantly figuring out how to live in harmony in the environment that we have.

You will not be free if your life is a mess. The more you avoid things that are necessary to live well, the bigger mess your life is going to be. The less you will be free.

If you’re a student, you can be a really bad student; take drugs, not show up to class, never study. If you do thay you’re going to fail, right? Or you can be the best student that you can be, show up, be happy, engage with people around you, do the work that you need to do. If you’re an employee, show up and do good work. Do that extra thing that needs to be done because you are an alive human being.

This is what nonduality is teaching us. It’s not teaching us all these philosophies about self and ego and all this crazy stuff. Nonduality says you’re not two, you actually exist. There are not two of you. You are the one who lives your life.

Live that freely. This is how nonduality sets you free until you’re truly free of your concept of self.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!