Nondualy is Dynamic

Nonduality is dynamic. One of the consequences of the heavy conditionings that we’re all subjected to our whole lives is that it dampens our spirit; it holds us down because then we’re so much more easily controlled. Awakening out of that reveals a dynamic being who is fully involved in life with each other.

This is why native teachings say we’re all related. As an awakened person we’re not only becoming involved with other people, but with all of life: all the plants and the animals, the air and the Earth. We are part of everything because we’re full of life.

We are life. We are a dynamic whole within a dynamic whole. And this is the place where we can’t be so controlled by outside sources.

It’s a dynamic place of being. And so, as you’re searching for nonduality, let that fill you, this dynamic self that you are.

The awakened state is dynamic. It’s not about drifted away into an oozing marshmallow of nothingness. It’s being fully awake with life.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!