Nothing is wrong, nothing needs fixed (Not)

Something is definitely wrong… what if we could actually do something about it?

What can we do?

Nothing is wrong and nothing needs fixed. That seems to be the number one teaching we have going around these days. But what if it’s not true? What if a better spiritual teaching would be that lots of things are wrong and lots of things need fixed. What if spiritual teachings were about gaining the strength, clarity and wisdom to participate fully in fixing things?


From the point of Nonduality what we’re learning is the nothingness inside. I am nothing. You are nothing. The experience of nothingness. When you encounter yourself, you encounter this living nothingness that is who you are. This nothing is also everything.

One first funny way to look at it is to change our statement to “Nothing” is wrong: as in there’s something really wrong with nothing! Nothing is wrong.

And change nothing needs fixed to “Nothing” needs fixed. Then we can add that the nothing you are is the one that needs to get out there and fix it.

How does that change you? Do we get more life? More vigor?

The idea that “nothing is wrong, nothing needs fixed,” leaves us sitting in this nebulous cloud of doing nothing, participating with nobody. Don’t make mistakes.

Change it all the way

Go all the way then and change that to: Everything is wrong. Everything needs fixed. I’m the one to do it.

Everything should be fixing stuff, of which I am included. Of which I am one.

Now that’s even more dynamic. Because not only do I need to gain strength, clarity and wisdom, and create the tools to do this. I need to be bring people along with me. I need to join things that other people are doing and work collectively. All of us together, human beings, fixing the things that need to be fixed.

The scary thought

But what if we do it wrong?

Okay? There’s no way we’re going to do it right! That’s a given, but that’s not a reason to do stuff.

So try changing that paradigm. Try changing from “Nothing is wrong, nothing needs fixed” to “Everything’s wrong, everything needs to be fixed.” Take it on fully. Everything includes me. Everything includes you doing this.

See if that makes a difference in the way you live.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!