Question Everything

We should question everything. When thinking about Atisha’s exercise for this week it is really interesting because this exercise does the exact opposite of everything that we’re being taught in the New Age world. We’re taught that we have to always think positive thoughts and never to think any negative thoughts. For if we do something terrible will happen.

Atisha’s exercse teaches exercise is exactly the opposite. It is saying that you have the strength within yourself to transform things.

We breathe in all the misery of the world and we bring breathe out happiness and love.

I’m not saying to avoid stuff either because Atisha’s exercise teaches us how to be strong. If someone needs our assistance you don’t want to internalize their pain. You need to be strong and and able to help them.

Mostly it’s showing us that we should question everything because we’re surrounded by spiritual fads. People come up with all these beautiful teachings and “boom!” all of a sudden everybody is off on the new fad. We should at least question it. Look closely and see what every belief system turns into. The end result shows you the quality of what it is.

Now question all the beliefs that you have accumulated through the past. How are those affecting your life? Is it really better?

This simple exercise can keep us from falling into the whole of craziness.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!