Stepping out of the Fog

It’s a joy to step out of the fog of consumerism. These days, with global warming and pollution, it is easy to think that consuming things, buying things, is the biggest problem for the environment. But the biggest problem is the fact that we’re all consumers of life. We are consumers of happiness, consumers of emotion, consumers of emotions and each other.

This is the seed problem. This is what turns us into rabid consumers of produced goods. Then these produced goods are literally consuming and destroying the world.

The first thing to do is to step out of mental and emotional consumption. You can step right out of that. You don’t need any of that. There’s a solidness inside that we can access. There is a satisfaction we can find that doesn’t need to be constantly filled. It doesn’t need to be filled at all. It comes it comes pre-filled (batteries included…)

When we can step out of consumerism that’s where we start finding our our true humanity. That is the place where we can solve our very small human problems.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!