Talking About Mulla’s Ticket

This is such a telling tale about how most of us conduct our spiritual searches. We are searching everywhere except for the place of “I am.”

Muella’s ticket is one of my favorite Mulla Nasrudine stories because it is such a telling tale about the way most of us conduct our spiritual searches. We are searching everywhere, searching everywhere.

We even have sayings. Everyone always says it doesn’t matter what path you’re on… they all lead to the same place.

Nah. No. Most paths lead to literally nowhere. It’s like Mulla searching in his luggage and throwing his clothes all over the train. He’s making this big mess. Most paths, most leaders, literally take you nowhere. You’re looking and looking for yourself everywhere but in yourself.

Just look with yourself and you’ll find yourself.

But, you’re like no. If I look there and I’m not there then All Is Lost.

Literally that’s the point of everything. If you look at yourself, with yourself, with who you actually are, what will you find? You’re gonna find out that you’re not that big of a deal. There’s nothing. There’s nothing about you that is separate from everything… and that is the moment of Awakening.

All the searching and searching and searching and searching is literally just trying to avoid that moment of accepting yourself. So this is the best story to keep in your mind.

Yes, it’s a funny story. The image of Mulla looking and looking and throwing his shirts around. It’s gonna sit there in your brain. Every time you’re sitting around with your friends and talking about the path, talking about spirituality, this image will be there. Or you’re sitting with yourself, or you’re meditating, keep in mind that more than likely the ticket is in your left hand breast pocket.

You are you, nothing else

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!