The Point in the Hurricane

We live inside what sometimes feels like a hurricane of thoughts, emotions and conflicts. You know how they go: he said this, she did that, I don’t have enough money, politics is doing this, the TV is saying that. It can get stuck inside your head. It sometimes feels like it’s swirling around.

This is why it’s useful, in fact critical, to know who you are. Because, when you are the solid witness inside your own self, the living essence of your life; when you are the point inside that’s experiencing life, then you can let everything swirl around freely without becoming lost.

If you do that with your awareness you’ll find that the swirl of thoughts is very useful.

We live in a complex world and we need to figure it out. A conscious person can let those things swirl around without getting sucked into them. Always remember that we have a full sense of awareness always at our disposal. This is your your mystical mind.. which is always activated. It’s never asleep.

This is what we are working on this week through our Tara mantra. Sing that song as often as possible as it activates your silent mystic. Use that to keep a broader and a broader vision vision always opening in your field of being. This silence is always there under the swirl.

Swirling thoughts are needed by us all. What I find happens is that an upset happens, things swirl around and then all of a sudden, poof! A moment happens where I’ll understand things deeper. It turns out that this moment of understanding is most powerful when the swirl is powerful.

This is what we are going to have to use if we want to pull together as a human species and start living with our full magnificence on a healthy planet.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!