The same old thinking

We all know the saying: “You can’t create a new paradigm using the same thinking that created the old paradigm.”

But what do you do? You’re stuck in your paradigm, and the number one thing that keeps us in that paradigm is our language. Like right now, I’m writing and I’m using English. It’s the language that I know, it’s the language that creates my perception of so many things. It’s really the only tool that I have to share things that I’ve seen with anyone else. Language.

But our language, the language that we currently have literally fails us.

It’s good to know that. This English I am writing cannot describe certain things. It cannot describe the indescribable. It cannot describe the ‘me’ that is describing.

That’s why non-duality is always, “Who are you? Who are you?” Once we know for certain that the ‘me’ that is doing this describing is this alive point that exists, once we accept the fact that it doesn’t even need to be described, then the paradigm changes. You can know it. This is you, that solid place of being. Then is where we create balance and harmony.

So, it’s totally worth finding this point in yourself. The being. The coming from living point in yourself. The more of us that come from this point, the more we’re going to be able to create a world of balance.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!