There is a You that is Not Two

There is a “you” that is not two. We tend to lose track of that in non-duality teachings. We can get caught in searching for this oblivious state of nothingness… and pure happiness… and all sorts of things like that.

We forget the basic idea of Not Two: I am not my intellect. I am not outside of myself.

Nonduality can become this insane description of things, where the teachings themselves cause us to forget who we are… which is the whole point of nonduality: finding out who you are.

There’s only one of you. You actually exist. There is a “you” that’s not divided, there’s a “you” that’s not “two.” It’s the simplest, simplest thing in the whole world. You are you, I am me.

Why is that so important to figure out? It’s because if you live in a state where you let the things that come into your field of perception grab your attention, to the point where you forget who you are, then you can be manipulated. You’re not living in reality, you’re not living your true life.

There is a “you,” a single unit of you. The you who is living your life. The you who chooses to raise your hand, put your hand down, to walk, to say the things that you say. There is a you living the way that you live.

There’s a “you” that’s not “two.” Your undivided being actually exists. It’s you, it’s who you’ve always been.

So, as you’re going through nondual studies, don’t get pulled off track into crazy things. This is simply about finding who you are within this vast culture of misconceptions that we live in. You are you, I’m me.

Nice to meet you.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!