Thoughts Begin in Silence

In the Diamond Sutra, Buddha says, ‘Thoughts begin in silence’.

It’s good to stop occasionally, pause and feel the beauty of what it is we’re looking for. Non-duality teachings can get very stuck in the head because what we’re trying to do is dismantle misconceptions we have about who we are and what life is.

Life itself is this fantastic blooming experience of unity, and this is what we’re looking to experience.

Thoughts begin in silence. We tend to think that our thoughts are noisy and that it’s hard to slow them down. But thoughts always come from this place of silence. If we ignore the thoughts and turn our focus to the silence, it’s easy to hear.

Even here in this video when I stop speaking, immediately there’s silence. We tend to get it backwards. We think that silence comes when thoughts stop, but silence is actually the sea of consciousness out of which our thoughts come. So when we pause for just a second, the silence is always there, and then thoughts arise out of it.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!