We Need Aunties

We need aunties if we want to be real human beings.

You’re like, “What? Isn’t this supposed to be about nonduality?”

Well yeah, aunties, all the women that make life happen for each of us are life itself. This is part of the fullness of being a human being. One of the reasons why we feel separate is because we’re broken in our communities and we’re broken in our families. The thing that we’re missing is the aunties and the uncles and the grandmas and the grandpas. The people out there in society that used to hold us within an envelope of being human.

We’re focused these days on one relationship, the husband-wife relationship, the girlfriend-boyfriend relationship. Your one intimate lover is what we focus on all the time, as if that’s what a relationship is. But you can’t have any sort of a relationship without tons of aunties. That’s the glue that holds everything together.

If you are feeling separate or feeling sad or suffering in any way, the first thing you need to be looking for is aunties. There’s many ways you can do it. You can get a pet, now you have a companion, right? Get a fish, hell, come in every day, “Hello Auntie, I’m home.”

Go down to the coffee shop, have somebody make you a cup of coffee, maybe it’s a girl, maybe it’s a boy, maybe it’s somebody that you don’t even know, but still, somebody makes you a cup of coffee and gives it to you. Say thank you, pay them, give them a tip. You just had an auntie taking care of you.

Everywhere we go this is one thing that works: people taking care of each other.

Even as you’re driving down the road, notice how almost everybody doesn’t crash. You move, they move, everybody’s following the rules. We drive along, we turn, we signal, we park, we go wherever we’re going, we come out. It’s a harmoneous movement. Driving is full of aunties because this is human beings getting along with each other.

Imagine how awful it could be? We got plenty of road rage, right? Imagine if everybody was crashing into everybody, we wouldn’t be able to do anything, would we? But no, the whole world is full of aunties.

You walk up to a door, someone might hold that door open for you. You walk up to a door and you see someone coming, you can hold the door open for them, now you’re an auntie.

More than likely, you have a job of some kind. Whatever you’re doing, you’re being the auntie. You’re taking care of something for somebody. Start seeing this as an interconnected field of human beings together.

This is what nonduality is about. We are not separate in the way we often imagine we are. We are connected.

The fact that you are alive at all and able to watch this video shows that your life is full of aunties and uncles and grandpas and friends and brothers and sisters because… where did you get the water that you drank today? Where did you get the coffee or the tea?

Where did everything from your breakfast come from? More than likely, you didn’t grow it all yourself. Think of all the people it took to get breakfast to you. Think of all of the systems it takes to make water run out of your tap so you can have a drink of water. Think of what it took to have a glass of milk.

We live in this total interconnectedness and we don’t stop and notice it.

This is why in a native society, people would always be doing ceremonies simply to notice where things come from. You don’t have to make a big deal out of it. Just notice.

Notice what it took to put an item in your hand. What do you give back? When we focus on what we give back, all of a sudden, instead of being a consumer, we are part of a vital living system which includes all our relations and human beings.

When we start seeing life this way, then we can take humanity and turn us from being a destructive force on the planet to being partners, contributors, participants in the vastness of life. This is what’s going to transform everything.

Not sitting around feeling love, that’s not going to work. Action! Who we are, what we’re doing, how we participate.

ultimately, this opens up the veil, removes the veil of illusion from our eyes and turns us into our vibrant living self of who we are.

Who are you? You are the participant. The more you know this fully, participating in everything, the more you’re spreading awakeness rather than contributing to the confusion of modern life.

We need aunties, be an auntie, be an uncle, look for the aunties everywhere around you and celebrate how we work together all the time.

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!