What can I do?

Simple Meditation

In Non-duality the question “To do, or not to do?” can be a mystery.

It seems like there ought to be something to do to reach the non-dual state, or even enlightenment. But we’re never given a satisfactory answer. There is this mysterious state of oneness that is only reached by not-doing.

Even knowing that spiritual seekers and non-duality students often ask is, “So, what do I do?”

They are really asking, “What can I do to not do?” or “How do I not do anything?”

Really good spiritual teachers will say, “There’s nothing to do. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to be.” Because that’s true. But that really leaves us hanging.

How useful is that?

How useful has that been up to now? You need something to do. Like… right now you’re doing something. You’re reading an article I published; you’re watching a video I made; or reading a book I wrote.

That’s doing something even if it’s doing something about nothing.

Jokes only go so far, so let’s go ahead and honor ourselves as full human beings and just straight out say that there is something to do. And we will call it meditation. 


The question we should really be asking is: How we can make our meditation time the most effective? How do we make it dynamic and real so it brings us to the space we want to be?

In this series of videos let’s look at many different ways to meditate and the modes and experiences we can create during our meditation time.

Each video talks about meditation and gives techniques to explore while meditating. It’s not meant to be read through in one sitting. Take plenty of time after each video to sit in meditation. Time.

Thinking about meditation isn’t enough. Actual time in meditation is needed.

This is valuable time in many ways. We’ll go through different types of meditation, but more, we’ll explore how to approach our meditation time.

Let’s see if this makes a difference. 

Published by Zareen

Wholeness and oneness isn't what you "think"!