The vast interconnectedness of grass

The vast connectedness of grass is something we never think about on the spiritual search. Grass… well, hey, grass is everywhere! Think of how many things eat grass. Its roots go down into the Earth. It brings up soil. It creates soil. The roots of grass cut up rocks and create soil so that everything can have life.

Life! You’ll have an intimate connection if you are taking care of a yard. Grass grows everywhere. The fancy grass that we have in yards has to be tended and watered and mowed, but it’ll grow up in cracks. It’ll… it’ll grow literally everywhere.

Grass is like our consciousness. It’s always there, alive, and growing.

Why do we search for ourselves when we’re the ones searching for ourself. That’s a crazy paradox! Yes.

Where Does Enlightenment Come From?

Where does Enlightenment come from? In nondual studies, that’s what we’re talking about, we’re talking about Enlightenment. I think non-duality is popular these days because nobody wants to admit that it’s really about enlightenment. Where does Enlightenment come from? Much of our teachings focus on the interior experience. We talk about the experience of being …

If all is one… then all is one.

Our basic philosophy is that all is one, but how deeply do we dive into that? If all is one… then all is one. No exceptions. This means that because you’re alive, everything’s alive.

The alive, awakened state is looking for you. Yes, it’s coming from “outside” and trying to break through the crust of separation. Seeing it this way can be a vibrant way to find your core of reality. The entire world is alive and full of consciousness, even the rocks, the plants, the animals, the trees. Everything. We live within a vast aliveness and we are part of it. We’re not separate from it in any way.

If that’s true it means that whenever you’re feeling separate the entire world of life is looking for you; is wanting you to step back into the reality of being a human being here and now.
