Nonduality is essential. When I’m saying that, I am saying the exact opposite of what we usually think of as the spiritual path—particularly in studies of nonduality, which, let’s face it, can be very mental, right? But nonduality is essential not mental. First of all, it is essential as in this is your essential being …
Category Archives: Chats
Nonduality is Easy
Nonduality is easy. Thinking about nonduality can be very complicated. Talking about it certainly makes it complicated. Watching videos where everybody’s talking about it certainly can seem complicated, can’t it? But the actual nondual state itself is very easy. It feels complicated to stop being complicated. We can complicate that too, infinitely. Describing the complications …
Nonduality is Not an Attainment
Nonduality is not an attainment. Of all the things I have to teach about nonduality, this is probably the most important one, because this is the number one thing that keeps you from understanding what the nondual state is—what enlightenment is. I always like to say: if you had even the slightest idea of what …
Nonduality is Everything
Every Thing and No Thing Nonduality is everything. Hopefully, people will do a lot of arguing on this video, because my very last video I posted was “Nonduality is Nothing.” You are contradicting yourself? Ah, words in themselves constantly contradict themselves. So yeah, but this is also a really good way to look at the …
Nonduality Cannot be Defined
Nonduality cannot be defined, and this is the trick of authentic spiritual studies, because we are addicted to our language. It’s natural. Human beings are born craving language. Take a little child and raise them with people who speak six different languages, and the child will grow up speaking six different languages fluently. Our brains …
Nonduality is Ancient
Nonduality is ancient. Hi, everyone. I am Ma Prem Zareen, and this is a series of short videos going through all the concepts of what nonduality is and isn’t. It’s the same ideas I worked through in my short book The Daily Book of Awakening. I’m going through all those different ideas and putting a …
Why Greed is so Destructive
Why is greed so destructive? Looking at this from a non-dual perspective, one of the things we can probably all agree about is that greed is usually unexamined. Almost anything that’s unexamined is going to, in the end, be destructive. But it’s particularly destructive these days because we have been taught from the day we …
Let’s Talk About Gurus
Live on Zoom and Youtube Dec 11, 2024 02:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join us for a lively talk on all about gurus! Guaranteed to be not what you think. Zoom – Youtube –