Nonduality is me. Think of that for yourself: if you say that nonduality is me, it means I am not dual; I am one, I am unified. Me. When we put it like that, it becomes dynamic and right here and right now. Me. I’m here. I can’t get away from myself; I can’t find …
Category Archives: Chats
Nonduality is Reality
Nonduality is reality. We know in theory that we’re united with everything, that we’re not separate, that there is a nondual state. Most of us also know in theory that we’re already there, already undivided. When we think about nonduality as reality, we can see that because we’re already in reality. No matter how much …
Nonduality is Essential
Nonduality is essential, something that we don’t really think about too much. But look at it this way: every single human being who is living in a divided state is living in a destructive state. Because as long as we think we’re divided, then we’re going to be constantly trying to fill the hole that …
Nonduality is Not about You
Nonduality is not about you. This is something that is obvious once you look at it, but we kind of don’t tend to notice it because we’re taught that the spiritual search is something that “I’m trying to do.” “I’m trying to become more spiritual.” “I’m trying to go to heaven,” or “I’m trying to …
Nonduality is Trustworthy
Nonduality is trustworthy. That’s probably something we never really think about, because in our society, we have been taught that everybody is not trustworthy. We have trained ourselves to not be trustworthy. As a matter of fact, it’s my contention that this is the number one cause of the extreme narcissism that we have in …
Nonduality is Easy
Nonduality is easy. When we step into a place of awakening, we are living in the easiest place of being that we can possibly be. Just relaxed into ourselves, into who we are, without having to have an explanation for it, without having to have a resistance to it at all. Just the easy, natural …
Nonduality is Natural
Nonduality is natural. We aren’t trying to become some disembodied spiritual thing; we’re trying to become who we are, right? The question is, who are you? It’s not who is some floating around nebulous thing that you want to become. It’s like, who are you? You and me are bodies as well as minds. We …
Nonduality is Your Birthright
Nonduality is your birthright. You were born a human being, you were born totally connected to everything because you didn’t have concepts of division at all. All human beings can awaken to their full self, no matter how conditioned they’ve been by societies. Human beings can also be raised in a way that they know …