We Are Capable of More

We are capable of so much more than we usually do as human beings. We’re not taught to use our full brain capacity. Just imagine if we had all been taught to use both our critical side of our brain and our, what I’m going to call, Mystical side together, so that when we think about problems, we’re always considering the big, big picture. And also, what if all of our training had included really good relationships? Because it’s how human beings relate to other things that truly bring us the answers on how we should be living. I think we could be inhabiting a totally different world, and we have the potential to transition from where we are now to that.

The Mystical is Always There

The mystical is always there. It’s inside of you, it’s outside of you as well. Have you ever noticed that, no matter how hard you try, your critical brain just keeps talking and talking and going and going and going? Because it’s alive, it’s part of your aliveness. Same thing with the mystical. It is always there, it’s just not very loud. It’s not even as loud as a soft breeze blowing. It’s total softness and silence that’s inside you all the time. This is why Mystics and teachers are always saying, you don’t have to search for it, just sit silent and let this part of you grow.