The 99 names of God is something we need to touch on briefly in this series. We’re not going to get deeply into it because that could be its own whole thing, but it’s a beautiful Sufi teaching. Instead of trying to say the qualities of God in large abstract terms, we talk about small, …
Category Archives: Chats
Its Not Just About You
This should be the number one thing in every spiritual study. It’s not just about you. One of the reasons that we do spiritual practices, and we talk about spiritual things, and we try to expand our consciousness, is so that we are more able to beautifully live with everyone and everything else. A good …
The lie of non-duality
The LIE of nonduality isn’t in the nonduality teachers. It’s in the Seekers. The point is to get rid of the lie in yourself.
Everyone is asking if nonduality is a scam. Think of it this way… your concepts are a scam they’re always fooling you. If we turn nonduality into a concept, then yes. It’s a scam. 🙂
Are You Afraid of Making a Mistake?
Are you afraid of making a mistake in your life, in your work, just making a mistake, period? Of course, you are, we all are. But here’s a thing to think about: What if this isn’t the natural human state? This is the perfect example of how we can use Nonduality to awaken ourselves. It’s …
Lose Your Mind
The number one thing that you can do to help humanity move into the next step, where we can live sustainably on the earth, is to lose your mind. From a spiritual point of view at least. It’s our clinging to our minds, clinging to our false concepts, that’s causing us to be so nuts. …
Calming the mind
Calming the Mind reveals our inner Spirit… where Beauty and Harmony naturally reside.
— Getting rid of the critical —
Nonduality is about getting rid of that super critical part of your mind; that part that always sees everything is wrong. That’s got to be good! Huh?
— If you lost your critical mind —
If you lost your critical mind, wouldn’t you be way better off? Actually… Nonduality isn’t about losing it. It’s about simply seeing it with honesty.
The Way of the Heart
Sufism is often called the way of the heart because the heart can dissolve barriers, particularly the barriers within ourselves. The primary cause of our illusion is our unwillingness to see ourselves. We’ve been told we’re supposed to be a certain thing, a certain way, yet we’re not. It’s difficult to reconcile what we are …
Humans Have Big Brains
Human beings have really big brains, but we haven’t been using them to the best of our ability. In fact, I think we’re not using much of our full consciousness because we are so stuck in intelligence type thinking. We’re stuck in believing that intelligence is knowledge, that we can build up lots of things …