My job as a non-duality teacher is so simple because all I’m really doing is just pointing out the obvious over and over. Even if it doesn’t seem obvious… it is. — Even if it doesn’t seem obvious — Even if it doesn’t seem obvious, nonduality really is, because it’s just pointing out that No… …
Category Archives: Chats
A Short Recap
As we move forward into some action items, let’s have just a short recap about what we’ve been talking about. It’s very simple but it needs to be gone over and over and over again. It can be hard to grasp the simple because we tend to make things complicated. The bottom line in what …
Paperback available on Amazon
Nonduality and Native Wisdom
I’ve been working on a series of how Nonduality intersects with Native wisdom. These particular videos may seem a bit disconnected by themselves. But when put together into a full story, it’s a new way of looking at human beings that is transformative and fun. I have it all together in a book, available now on Amazon. It’s in both paperback and Kindle form.
Nonduality, as a spiritual practice is a bigger, riper, more robust philosophy than we typically see. It needs a facelift.
This book brings native wisdom into the field of nonduality and opens up how we see our thoughts, how we see our history, and how we see our culture so that awakening becomes possible. With a true earth-view of who we are, we can start creating ways to live that are sustainable and dynamic.
You are not alone
As a human being, you are not alone. There is the vastness of all existence containing us all: the earth, the flowers, and the other human beings. — Saving the world is a group project — Saving the world is a group project. It’s a group effort for all of us to participate in. Nobody’s …
4 Things to Avoid on the Spiritual Search: Jesus Complex
Number four in our things to avoid on the spiritual search is: the Jesus complex. Yeah… you are not going to become enlightened and save the world. It’s not going to happen. It’s never happened before, and you’re not going to be the first one to do it either. Nothing happens in a vacuum, nothing …
Continue reading “4 Things to Avoid on the Spiritual Search: Jesus Complex”
Imagining What Enlightenment is Like
Don’t try to imagine what enlightenment is like or believe any of the stories that you’ve heard, because if you do, you’ll have created an impossible goal for yourself, and you’ll never find it.
Non-duality and native wisdom
Why is it that people want to have free will? What’s this conversation about it even about? I think it’s because we have been told the lie that we get free will instead of safety. Man has Free Will, and that’s why we do all the terrible things that we do. It’s a cover-up for …
Free Will and Pluto
Sooooo… there’s this whole thing about free will going on right now. Do we have free will, or do we not have free will? It’s actually an argument that’s been going on a really long time, but lately, a professor has written a book saying that we don’t have free will, so now everybody’s all …