Unity will include other people. You won’t be there just all by yourself. Often we don’t think about that. – Imagine if you were born in an enlightened world – So, imagine, what would it be like if you were born into an enlightened world? Tip: you actually were. There is nothing wrong with existence …
Category Archives: Chats
Dropping of the Veil
Hopefully, I’m getting you to read lots of the books from the reading list on my website. I’d like to point to one now that’s actually a novel, written as a story, and it has the best – I don’t want to say best worst – description of dropping the veil that I’ve ever heard. …
Who are you. Who are you?
Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?” Nonduality asks us this over and over and over because every answer that we give is seen quickly to fall short of the full answer. And the hope is that all the thoughts about it kind of short-circuit and fall away, and you realize, “Oh, I …
Story of the Veil
If you have done any studying of Nonduality or Eastern Traditions, you have probably heard about the veil that many enlightened masters use to describe the unenlightened state. They say it’s like you have a veil over your face that you can’t quite see through. This Veil is all of your conditionings, all the thoughts …
Native wisdom creates a crack in our perceptions
Native wisdom creates a crack in our perceptions of who we are because it tells a totally different story of the human being. This crack is where the light can start coming in, and you see. – We have the tools – We have the tools to step out from under our misconceptions of who …
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Nonduality and Native Wisdom Intersect
This is a series of videos on how Nonduality and Native wisdom intersect. We’ve gone through some interesting points. We’ve been talking about how language works in our heads, how our thoughts actually are language. We’ve looked at history and how these long ago stories make up our worldview and inform us of who we …
Imagine this unity
Many of us are drawn to non-duality and spiritual teachings because we have really good imaginations. Sometimes we allow that to really pull us off track, but we can also use it to start really putting ourselves in a different world and feel what that’s like. So, imagine if you had been born in a …
Humanity Born
Where in the world do we come from? How did human beings get here at all and become what we are today? We’ve been exploring that through looking at the intersection of Nonduality and Native spirituality. The twist we’re looking at is using Nonduality enlightenment teachings as a tool for a person to find out …