Let’s talk a little bit about my discovery. How did I put Nonduality and Native wisdom together in this way? What made me come up with this crazy idea? This little story will help as our discussion goes forward. I have a long history in Nonduality. I’m doing this video in 2023 but I’ve been …
Category Archives: Chats
Definitions are limited
Our language, English particularly, is very limited in trying to explain reality because it divides everything up into definitions. -Definitions divide- Western Minds turn everything into descriptions, using nouns, which makes us see things as separate What If instead we had a language that was about the relationships?
Language is limited
Language is limited. We may not think about that very often because language seems so useful. Using language we can describe the things we see. We can think about things in ways that seem infinite and endless. But language is very, very limited. It can only describe things to a certain point because it uses …
Where do thoughts come from?
Where do our thoughts come from? Have you ever wondered about that? Now here’s a mind binder… you would have to think about where thoughts come from using thoughts! -What language are your thoughts?- What language do your thoughts run in? Sometimes that’s interesting to think about because thoughts have to have a language.
What is language?
What are thoughts? This is a series of videos I’m doing on how Nonduality and Native wisdom intersect. Each video is going to build on the one before. I’m trying to not repeat myself a whole lot, so if what I’m saying isn’t making sense or you’re wanting more information, go to the Integrating With …
Trusting Nature
The thing that we can most trust is nature itself. So the more you can actually breathe the air and feel the plants the better. -The Earth Speaks Slowly- The Earth and nature speaks slowly but always truthfully. That’s why slowing down and being in nature is so healing.
Newsletter: Nonduality & Native Spirituality
If you’ve been following my newsletter you’ll notice that something has changed. Suddenly I’m green! This is because I’m exploring a new subject: How nonduality and native spirituality intersect. They come from very different cultures, and use very different concepts to teach spirituality… but they both have the aspect of helping humanity discover who we …
Continue reading “Newsletter: Nonduality & Native Spirituality”
Two parts to Native Teachings
There are two parts to native stories that that we often don’t see. You’ll notice that most of the Native teachings that come to us, that are being brought to us, are stories about how we are integrated with everything. Simple stories, told in so many different ways, but they have a theme that is …