Published: Sat, 10/28/23 The first thing we need to learn to change the world is to be able to laugh at ourselves. Imagine a world filled with relaxed, smiling people. Everything would be different. We’d be able to communicate with each other if we could laugh. And not a mean, bullying, laugh. But that sweet chuckle …
Category Archives: Chats
Doing something important with your life
I know several people who have spoken aloud that they’ve had a dream or they have this feeling, this idea that they are the one who is going to make the huge difference in the world. And come on, be honest, we all kind of have that a little bit, don’t we? That’s what I …
Overcoming the Jesus complex
Maybe you’ve never even thought of this. You probably have an idea that’s so deep down inside your belief systems that you’ve never even looked at it. But we have this unexamined assumption in the Western world, and Western spirituality, that what changes the world is one big guy. Like Buddha came up and he …
Talking yourself into anger
If you look closely at your interior self when you’re angry, or something like that, you’ll notice that you have to constantly talk yourself into it; otherwise, it just goes away.
How hard is it to change thinking?
How hard is it to change thinking, to really change the way that we perceive the world? It’s really not that hard. Usually, if we have something going on that’s not working in the way we’re thinking, then we naturally change. Think of a really simple example, like if you’re always angry at everything. There’s …
One thing to improve the world
The number one thing to be able to really improve the world, make this a better place, is to not hate humanity. We have to see ourselves as these fabulous creatures that have just gone slightly wrong in our thinking. If we want to really change that thinking so that it can be totally sustainable …
Getting a laugh
I hope that my videos give you a little bit of a laugh at yourself. Hopefully a big laugh at me. To me, the topic of non-duality, of awakening, of spirituality, is a heartwarming, fun celebration. A celebration of how amazing it is to not only be able to live life but to be able …
Spelling and nonduality
Spelling and non-duality, okay… I’m going to tell you the real secret now. Have you ever noticed that words like hierarchy and misogyny are like impossible to spell? Like those are really hard! I mean, you can barely pronounce them, really, much less spell them. (Eye wink) I think it’s a trick to keep us …