Finding that inner balance is the trick. And here’s the secret… there is no inner balance without outer balance. Because everything is connected. Everything is intertwined. Nothing is separate.
Category Archives: Chats
Just you there
Stop for just a second and you’ll notice that inside of yourself is silence. There’s really nothing in there. Step back into that silence. Just you there.
Reboot your brain
Reboot your brain that’s what non-duality is saying. Don’t try to piecemeal it together. Just shut the whole dang thing down.
Follow at your own risk
Okay… just so that you don’t start thinking that there’s something amazingly mystical about me, or that I think there’s something amazingly mystical about me, I’ll let you in on my secret. The secret of my YouTube videos is: I never have anything to say. I can’t think of anything to say. I do have …
Too many rules
It’s not possible to do everything perfectly according to society’s rules, because there’s just too many rules.
Satori and Samadhi
Satori and samadhi. So one day back in the day I was meditating. I meditated a lot. It’s a good practice. I’m sitting there and then all the sudden everything just went normal. I can’t describe it anyway other than that. I was sitting with Swami Yogino and suddenly I hear him suddenly say, “There …
Newsletter: What if it’s not about you?
Published: Sat, 08/12/23 What if spirituality wasn’t about you?What if all of us were existing together? Even more than the people. What if we, you and me, were co-existing on this planet with all the other beings, seen and unseen. Or even those aliens out in the universe? What if that was our actual, lived …
Two Stories
Everything that I say is imagination because it’s coming out with words. Words are simply a sound that describes a thing. It’s not actually the thing. But I’m going to tell a story anyway. We are all nuts. In our current society we’re all nuts. I mean… look how we’re raised. We’re confused. We’re broken. …