We live inside what sometimes feels like a hurricane of thoughts, emotions and conflicts. You know how they go: he said this, she did that, I don’t have enough money, politics is doing this, the TV is saying that. It can get stuck inside your head. It sometimes feels like it’s swirling around. This is …
Category Archives: Chats
Calming the Mind for more Space
A big advantage to learning how to calm your mind is that you then have more space for listening. So let it be a skill to slow down as often as possible.
No Shortcuts Tara Mantra
One of the simple things about non-duality is that what we are teaching is that there is no shortcut. All of these religions really, when you when you stop and look at them, teach this same thing. Being a human being is complicated because we need to get along with each other in a world …
A Fast and Noisy World
We live in a very fast and noisy world, but we don’t always have to keep up that pace. Slow down and just be a human being as often as you can.
Om Tare Liberation from Mind
Singing and dancing: Om Tare Tu Tare Ture Soha. With dance write up. Om-Tare-LiberationDownload
Green Tara Mantra: You Exist
So I find myself in the non-duality world in a very strange situation. Because very often I’m simply trying to convince people that they exist. A lot of people don’t understand that there are two stages to the non-duality search and you can’t stick in the first one forever. The first stage is the “Not …
Newsletter May 20, 2023
Lots of Nothing This week we are dealing with a whole lot of nothing. Mulla Nasrudine pulls a valley girl move, and we wonder about one hand clapping. In my experience, contemplating nothing is the best way to slow and stop the mind. And I don’t mean thinking about the idea of nothing, or trying …
Can’t Talk About Nothing
You can’t really talk about nothing because the very act of talking is something. The very act of giving nothing a word, naming it nothing, or zero, turns it into something. Both in in the words that I’m saying and in what you’re hearing me say. But what if the collective wisdom of humanity that …