The air is sacred, and I don’t mean that in a woo-woo, pretend sort of way. I mean, take a look—just take a deep look. Use your actual deep human intelligence to notice air. I just breathed in a bunch of it. We live within the atmosphere. We know that ancient peoples and Indigenous people …
Category Archives: Chats
Who is thinking?
In the nondual world, we can talk forever about what the mind is. It’s so funny because we’re using the mind to talk about what the mind is. I mean, literally, we can define it to be anything we want it to be, right? It’s an open field.
But is that really useful? Is that bringing us to the point where we know who we are?
That’s why so many of our ancient nonduality teachers have the one question: who are you? Who are you?
Don’t worry about what the mind is; it will continue to try to sort itself out into infinity. We’re the ones sorting it.
Who is thinking?
Who is it that’s thinking about nonduality? In a way, it’s the source thinking about the source, and the thinking is what keeps us from it.
Nonduality Explained: Experience
Nonduality explained: is it an experience? This is a very interesting thing to explore because the answer is yes and no. One of my favorite spiritual teachers is Sam Lewis, and he always said you have to actually have the experience of spirituality or Unity or Oneness. You can’t get it from a book; you …
Nonduality Explained: Obscure
Is it obscure? It certainly sounds like it when you hear people talking about it! Tip of the day: Here’s the number one most important thing to understand about nonduality, nonduality teachers, and nonduality teachings: There is the actual nonduality experience, And then there are all the explanations about it. The explanations are NOT the …
Nonduality Explained: The Mind
Nonduality teachings are about trying to go beyond the mind. But it’s more effective to think of it as coming from underneath the mind. In awakening your true self rises up through the mind and embodies your full being. We let our minds capture us in ways that aren’t necessarily healthy. It’s not good to …
Retelling the Human Story
Retelling the human story is vital today because if we want to start grappling with the way we’re living on the planet and how we’re living with each other, we need to know who we are. We can’t know who we are as individuals if we don’t understand who humanity is because, ultimately, what we …
Nonduality is Ancient
Nonduality is very, very ancient, and I don’t mean ancient as in some old civilization that hid some scrolls somewhere. I mean ancient, ancient, ancient, as in before civilization of any kind. It is so ancient that it is not a philosophy, it is not a system of thought, but the way people used to live.
It just makes sense when you think about that because, in order to be able to live within the landscape, finding all your food, creating community within your landscape, you would have to be in an undivided state. You would be part of the landscape.
Locate yourself as that deeply related to everything.
In both Eastern and Western spiritual philosophies and traditions, we see the ideas of nonduality as very inner, in our head, even like it’s an experience that we’re trying to make happen. But if we can look broader to the entire human experience, around the whole earth and back through deep, deep time, which is still with us, we’ll see that it’s actually a blending of ourselves into everything that we’re related to. So, it’s not an inner experience. This is one of the ways you can tell if you’re starting to get closer: if the experience seems less important and your located being seems more available.
Nonduality Explained: Finding Yourself
Nonduality Explained: Finding Yourself This is one of the number one teaching in nonduality, and it’s very effective because no matter how much you try to find yourself, you can’t do it. You can’t locate yourself because you are the one who is doing the locating. No matter how much you look to any sort …