Non-duality, in its simplest form, is about discovering what you are not. You are only one thing, and illusions are billions… so if you can eliminate everything that you are not, the only thing left over is you. Let’s explore that a little bit. You are not your hat, because you can take off your …
Category Archives: Chats
Love: Emotion or Action?
We have another really good teaching from our Navajo Elder this week about love. He talks about the difference between what he hears from English society, how we view love, as compared to what he was taught in the Navajo traditional teachings. We see love as an emotion. “I’m feeling that I love you.” We …
You are Not Temporary Joy
This Navajo teaching that we talked about in our last video (click to see) is so fascinating because it’s exploring this idea of temporary joy, temporary confidence, and how these things mess up the human mind. Why? Why not why not get happiness when you can? Why not get confidence when you can? It’s because …
Temporary Joy
This week we have a great non-duality teaching from a Navajo Elder. He is talking about evil, and evil beings who come. What happens is they fool us. And one of the ways that they fool us is by giving us temporary happiness. Happiness that comes and goes. Confidence that comes and goes. Joy that …
Silence in the brain
The part of our brain that tries to understand everything with words, and put names on things, is really the small part. The vast majority of our Consciousness is a silence with no words.
Offering a Prayer
So why would prayer help us with our addiction to words? This addiction is manifested in way that words get stuck in our head. It’s the way they suck away our consciousness and make us think that we are words. How could prayer help with that? In our Native story this week, when the elder …
Can’t get rid of the words
It’s the words that get stuck in our head that cause craziness and conflict. This is what non-duality teaches. You can’t get rid of the words, instead you find what’s under it.
Words and Prayer
I’ve been running across a lot of Native American stories lately that show an advanced understanding of living in the non-dual state. I’m not going to tell the story myself because you can hear it directly from a Navajo Elder. The Truth About Prayer… A Native American (Navajo) Perspective. This story is deeply interesting because …