If you put on a different outfit you’re still the same person, just in a different outfit. If you put on a different belief system, you’re still the same person, just in a different system.
Category Archives: Chats
Finding Your Alive Point
I don’t know the answer of all things, or most things, or maybe anything… but what I’m always trying to point at is how to become yourself. How to find that point in yourself that can see and wonder. That is who you are. You are the one who is awake. You are the one …
The Weekly Newsletter –Apr 15, 2023
Published: Sat, 04/15/23 The Zen of Geometry This week we look at three different stories. One from a modern Non-Duality teacher where we explore perception itself. What would the sunset look like if the sun revolved around the earth instead of the earth revolving around the sun? What’s the difference in our experience? Then we go …
The Good and the Bad
Yesterdays Zen story is great for us because it’s two different things. It’s totally bull and it’s also a very wise important point. It’s total bull because, I mean, come on! In this story everything’s lost and then he looks at the ring and boom! Magically he’s saved. So you know what our our greedy …
A Different Way of Looking at Things
There’s a different way of looking at things. There’s always a different way. Like, no matter how right we may be, in every moment you can always change. We can open more, and improve, and get better. This is how we need to live to create a new world.
This Too Shall Pass
Once there was a great king and he came to a Sufi Mystic and he asked for something. He said, “I’m trying to conquer great lands. Could you give me a Talisman, or a saying, or a mantra or something that will help me?” The Sufi Mystic looked at him and smiled, in the way …
Is There a GOD or Not?
Is there a God? You know… it’s really such a crazy question when you think about it. Because, I mean… how would you know? You can’t know, you can only believe it or not. It’s a story we’ve been told and it can get so confusing. So, which God? If there’s a God, then which …
Is There a God?
Buddha was teaching one day. People were gathered all around, and people would come up one by one and ask questions. A man comes up and asks. “Is there a God?” Buddha looked at him for a moment and said, “No. there isn’t a god.” More people came. After a while another man shows up. …