What we are looking for in Awakening is to find eyes that can see reality. Ears that can hear reality. The only thing that needs to be changed, in any way, is just your perception, Just the filter that the eyes go through. The filter that the ears go through. Our brains are fabulous tools …
Category Archives: Chats
Search for Curiosity
Maybe the best thing to always search for is curiosity. Because just think how that kind of twists everything around. Instead of searching for answers, search for curiosity.
The Blue Lotus Flower
Once Upon a Time. Back in the day of Buddha, when Buddha was alive on the planet with us, there was a simple man. He was a Shoemaker and he had a pond behind his house. One day he goes out, it’s not in season, but a beautiful blue lotus flower bloomed. The man thought, …
Changing the conversation
So my teacher, Osho, did lots of stuff that didn’t really work out all that well. But one of the things that he did do, that I think is a huge breakthrough in the conversation about Enlightenment, in the searching for awareness, in all non-dual studies, and all Zen studies, is that he talked directly …
Bliss can be sad
Bliss can be sad. Bliss (Ananda) includes everything, so it can be angry. It can be sad. It can be anything.
The Good Doctor
So Mulla Nasrudine is at the doctor. The doctor looks at him and says, “Mulla. It’s not looking good. You are in bad shape. You don’t have long to live. Have you written your will?” Mulla looks at the doctor and says, “Oh yes. I have my will. Everything that I own goes to the …
I love talking about nothing
I love talking about nothing, about zero. The reason for that is because it is the best way that I know to help you see who you are. This is because that was my experience. When I finally looked inside myself I saw that there was nothing there. Then there was no division. No division …
How do you divide nothing?
How do you divide up nothing? You can’t. There’s nothing there. You divide it by anything and it’s still nothing. That’s the secret of Mulla Nasrudine’s inheritance.