Yesterday’s Mulla Nasrudine story was about nothing. This is my favorite subject: nothing. If you really understand this, then you’ll know how to look inside and find nothing. Mulla has nothing and yet he’s dividing nothing up between everybody else… and whatever’s left over will go to the poor. That’s quite ridiculous but it gives …
Category Archives: Chats
Mulla’s Inheritance Nothingness
So Mulla Nasrudine finally sits down and writes his will, because to be in accordance with the law everybody needs to have a will. So he sits down and he writes it. He wrote, “I have nothing. Let all the nothing that I have go to all my dependents.” He listed them all out. “Then,” …
Mulla’s Cards
So. Mulla Nasrudine was sitting and playing cards with his dog in the park. A guy comes walking along and he watches him play. After a while he exclains, “Mulla! Your dog is so smart. He’s actually playing cards with you. I have never seen such a smart dog. Where did you get him? How …
Stories about Mulla Nasrudine
Stories about Mulla Nasrudine are to make you go beyond your logical brain, where everything tries to make sense, and put that little “stop” to it… where you can see nothing.
Mulla’s Ticket
So Mulla Nasrudine was boarding the train, getting ready to go on a trip. He jumps on and meets the ticket taker who says. “Mulla. I need your ticket.” Mulla starts looking everywhere. He looks in his hands. He looks in his pant pockets. It’s not there. He throws down his bags, and rips open …
Talking About Mulla’s Ticket
This is such a telling tale about how most of us conduct our spiritual searches. We are searching everywhere except for the place of “I am.” Muella’s ticket is one of my favorite Mulla Nasrudine stories because it is such a telling tale about the way most of us conduct our spiritual searches. We are …
Going in two directions
You can’t go in two directions at the same time. You’d think that would be obvious, and yet we constantly forget it.
The Chemist
Can the person who is too stupid to tell us to go to the doctor able to tell us to go to the doctor? Again a story of going in two directions at the same time.