So… I don’t know this for sure, but my experience is leading me to start to believe that the only thing the human Spirit cannot really handle is an existential lie. A basic lie about who you are. That’s why, in all Buddhist teachings, and all non-dual teachings, the number one thing you’re trying to …
Category Archives: Chats
Revisit Atisha
For the end of this week let’s revisit Atisha’s exercise in a very simple way. What you do is you breathe in all the pain and suffering of the world. Don’t take it personally, just breathe it in. Then breathe out all the peace and joy that exists. Use yourself as a battery for this …
Save Me From the Pillar
So Sheik Farid was out teaching in the Square one afternoon. A man came along to learn from him who was full of questions. He was obviously very learned in Nonduality, and Zen, and Sufism. So he asked, “How do I get rid of my concepts? How do I get rid of my mind? How …
Actually letting go
Remember that Aesop’s Fable where the monkey stuck his hand down in the jar? He grabs something to eat, but then he can’t pull his hand out because it’s too big. Letting go is just like. Think of what it takes to… open your hand and let go.
The Pillar is not Holding You
The pillar is not holding you. That’s obvious. But what we’re talking about is stuff that’s going on in your mind. Right? It feels real. So real. Emotions feel very real emotions… because they are. Emotions are actual chemicals shooting out of your brain in into your body. That’s why you say you feel emotions. …
The thing that matters is simplicity
The thing that really matters is simplicity. It’s the essence of non-duality. Non-duality is saying not. Not this, not that. It means your thoughts are nuts. Your thoughts are always pointing to something else… something else. Just think how many billions and billions and billions of thoughts that you can have? Even just about one …
Non Duality is a Lie
Non-duality is a lie… just in its very essence. Even Nasargadata said it. Words cannot describe the indescribable. How do you express what was there before words? How do you express what’s there without any words? How do you use words to express this state? This wordless state. Words are the enemy of the deeper …
What would it be like to be relaxed in yourself?
What would it be like to be relaxed in yourself?To not be worried about yourself? There’s plenty of things to be worried about in life, but trusting yourself is key.