Our story this week is a Mulla Nasruddine story. It’s from the Osho Rajneesh archives and is obviously a modern story of Nasruddine. That’s very interesting in itself because Mulla is this character that has been used to tell stories for centuries. Maybe he was a real fellow at one time, but he is used …
Category Archives: Chats
Mulla Nasrudine Coming or Going?
So Mulla Nasridine met an old friend outside the door of his psychiatrist office one day. She looked at him surprised, gave him a big old hug, and said, “Mulla, so long since I’ve seen you. We should get together sometime and have a cup of tea. But tell me are you coming or going?” …
Is it Worthwhile Searching for Enlightenment?
The Prince Remembers
A long time ago in the land of Zen there was a king. He only had one son and he was starting to get old. He started to be concerned that maybe his son was not ready yet to follow him as king. So, as people did back then, he went to the biggest Monastery …
The Moment of Remembering
What this week’s Zen story is about is the moment of Awakening. It’s just exactly like in the story when the prince suddenly remembers who I am. But it’s you remembering who you are.
Picturing the Prince Remembers
Our Zen story for this week is The Prince Remembers. It creates the greatest picture in your mind of what the moment of awakening is like. When the prince suddenly remembers that he’s a prince all the years of forgetfulness fell off. He knew he was a prince. This enlightened moment is what you’re looking …
What is the Nondual State?
You are a Participant
So here’s an interesting way to think about non-duality: You are sitting there watching a video on YouTube or maybe reading my webpage. What’s really going on? Our Western conditioning is that we are consumers of everything. Very likely things that I’m saying upset you. Often I say it unclearly, or I say it wrong. …